Conserving our Vultures & Raptors
Protecting Africa’s RAPtors
Tumbeta is home to breeding nests of the critically endangered Lappet face and White back vultures. Over 20 nesting sites of White backs have been seen on the reserve and each year chicks are successfully raised to maturity, adding to these vulnerable and threatened populations.
The Lappet face vultures nest intermittently with limited success, they are however commonly sighted on the reserve and feeding on kills.
By introducing large carnivores to the area, Tumbeta is providing an important food source to the vultures as there has been an increase in the number of kills and carcasses available. This natural food source will be crucially important to their conservation going forward.
Cape vultures and Bateleur (short tailed eagle) which also utilize the reserve are also benefitting from the presence of large predators on Tumbeta.

Tumbeta is home to a wide variety of raptors and is a birder’s paradise, our official bird counts are still ongoing but it is clear the sweet bushveld is one of the best birding areas in the country. The more common raptors include the beautiful Pale chanting and Gabar goshawks as well as the impressive Martial eagles, Wahlbergs, Steppe, Brown and Black breasted snake eagles, Secretary birds and numerous less sighted species.
The rare Ground hornbills have been sighted.
We were very excited to see our first Ground hornbills during the last year. Kori bustards and Korhaans are common. Owls also thrive in the area with common sightings of the Verraux eagle owl, spotted eagle owl, White faced owl, Barn owl, Scops owl and Pearl spotted owl.
As these vultures and raptors move over large areas, we are constantly working with our neighbours and local communities to preserve and look after these birds.

“Spending time at Tumbeta rejuvenates the soul and allows you to connect with nature that brings deep comfort and joy.”
A magical slice of paradise